
If Your Partner Snores…

According to a study conducted by American University, snoring is the third leading cause of divorce in the U.S. – The leading medical reason, trailing only behind infidelity and financial problems. You may think that is outrageous, to dissolve a marriage based on lack of sleep, until you live (sleep) with a snoring spouse. If you do, you often experience many nights of frustration;  the cycle of drifting off to sleep only to be startled awake by, what seems like at the time, a very loud train whistle or booming cannon!

You fall back to sleep –then are startled again. It is torturous. You, finally wide-eyed, stare into the darkness in disbelief that a sound with such strength and volume could come from a human. You shake your head often – the noise level… I mean, really??

Earplugs won’t work.

Headphones won’t work.

You don’t look good in “prison orange,” so how do you cope?

Before you give up all hope, here are a few simple things to try that can help you both, get to sleep and stay asleep.

Training for Sleep

Establish a sleep routine, i.e. a process of consistent activities that signals your brain and body to prepare for rest:

#1 Avoid alcohol and late night eating. These activities make snoring worse.

#2 Help train the snorer to sleep in a different position. If the snorer only snores on their back, they can be trained (or train themselves) to sleep on their side. Prop pillows behind them so they can’t sleep on their back.

#3 Try Sound+Sleep, sleep therapy systems with adaptive sound technology. This award-winning product increases in volume to block out disruptive ambient noise – like snoring. ‘LectroFan sound machine with different fan sounds and white noise options,  also helps block out noise levels that could startle you awake. (@amazon.com for more details)

#4 Talk about the problem and be open to find a solution. Not getting enough sleep, is potentially harmful to you and your relationship. Not willing to talk about it with your partner could result in not only sleeping separately but living separate lives. It is not something to take lightly. Talk to your partner about sleep training and if warranted, sleeping separately.

#5 If it hasn’t happened yet, it is vital that the snorer get a medical evaluation for their condition. Long pauses between snoring is a tell-tale sign of Sleep Apnea, a deadly condition that causes the individual to stop breathing for an extended period of time while they are sleeping. A medical professional could also prescribe functional, occupational methods that help reduce or eliminate snoring.

Divorce may seem extreme, and we may laugh it off, but so is sleep deprivation. What is top priority is the health of you and your partner, so work together to find a solution. It not only helps you overcome this specific obstacle, but helps your sensitivity towards your partner’s issues, which could draw you closer in the long-run.

Helpful Articles:

How Sleep Affects Relationships – match.com:  http://bit.ly/1NkMEX9

Sleep Divorce, Could Your Snoring Be The Cause? – Sleep Apnea Treatment Centers of America:http://bit.ly/1NkMLlv

Did You Know Snoring… — American Snoring: http://bit.ly/1LkOGpr

Sources: (1)21st Century Dental.com – (2) American Snoring   (3) Partners and Sleep: National Sleep Foundation


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