Sleeping Pills Addiction and Treatment

What are Sleeping Pills Sleeping pills are usually only prescribed for short-term use in the treatment of insomnia. Taking sleeping pills for any length of time carries the risk of dependency issues and can leave users with long-term sleep issues and even abusive use disorders. Sleeping pills are one of the most easily accessible and…

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How White Noise Helps You Sleep

You know that a good night’s sleep is essential for your health. You need it for mental clarity, energy, a brighter mood and decreased risk of health issues such as weakened immunity, cardiovascular problems, diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure. But knowing you need sleep and actually getting it are two different things. Almost one-third of American…

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Sleep hygiene: 8 ways to train your brain for better sleep

  (CNN) – The days are longer, full of sunshine and bright with the promise of enjoying a more relaxing spring and summer with your loved ones. But if you want to enjoy your daytime, it’s time to increase your sleep during the nighttime Boy do we need it. More than a third of American…

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Study Reveals A Surprising New Natural Painkiller

As the phrase goes, there is likely a pill for whatever ails you. And that’s generally a good thing. Safe and regulated over-the-counter pain medications help people alleviate their suffering with pretty reliable results. But sometimes a pill just won’t cut it. The pain might be chronic or the medication might not be on-hand. Luckily…

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The Importance of Sleep When you think of what makes up a healthy lifestyle, diet and exercise come to mind, but did getting enough restful sleep? Some researchers consider the lack of sleep that many people get to be at epidemic levels. According to the National Institutes of Health, lack of restful sleep causes a long…

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3 Reasons Why Sleeping Next to Your Phone Is a Bad Idea

  Most of us have our phones on us at all times. Texts and emails are constantly coming through, you use saved credit cards to pay with ease, and you never know when you might need to call someone. It’s even understandable that people want to look at their phones as soon as they wake up to handle all the…

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10 Health Benefits of Quality Sleep

In many cultures, a lack of sleep is seen as a badge of honor of sorts. “I’ll sleep when I’m dead,” people say, as they grind out 90 hour work weeks. Even if you’re not sacrificing sleep for your career, there’s a good chance that sleep isn’t super high on your priority list. If you’re…

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Using White Noise to Improve Your Work Environment

Quick Summary: There’s nothing wrong with having trouble staying focused. Evolution is working against us. There’s a reason why your home can be a more distracting work environment than an office or even a coffee shop White noise is a key scientific method for mitigating these issues White noise is widely used by psychiatrists and…

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Here’s all your sleep-related presidential trivia for Presidents’ Day

Officially, the federal holiday of which we speak is Washington’s Birthday. Presidents’ Day is just its colloquial name, and depending on where you live, the official state holiday name might be Presidents’ Day, President’s Day (the position of the apostrophe gives it a unique meaning, you see), or Washington and Lincoln’s Birthday. And, of course,…

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2019 Sleep News Wrap Up

Happy 2020, all! While we’re excited to see what’s coming in the new year, it’s always important to reflect on the past year as well, and 2019 was certainly full of all things sleep. Last year our company released two new products, the LectroSound and the LectroFan Micro2, and we stayed committed to keeping our…

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